Google Nexus S Jelly Bean Update Sucks

If you know how to, it’s already possible to install the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update onto your Nexus S without calling in the geeksquad, but for those of us who really like to take things easy, then the good news is that a few networks have made Jelly Bean available for over-the-air installations. Google … Read more

iPhone 5 Couldn’t Have Picked A Better Release Date

As we move deeper in 2012 and the current row of top Android smartphones begin to pop up (HTC One X, Samsung Galaxy S3 and growing rumors of the Motorola DROID RAZR HD), one smartphone in particular that has remained under wraps is the iPhone 5. 2012 iPhone 5 release date seems perfect considering all … Read more

Samsung Galaxy S3 Not As Godly As You Think

Since the Samsung Galaxy S3 release there has been a flurry of quality and performance issues darkening user experience. Some have been dealt with already, but some Samsung Galaxy S3 users are having trouble getting their dodgy phones replaced. Samsung Galaxy S3 issues reported so far The Samsung Galaxy S3 seems to have a set … Read more

Dislike Samsung Galaxy S3? 3 Upcoming Phones To Wait For

While Amazon’s upcoming phone may compete with Android and iPhone, analysts reckon the iPhone 5 will be 2012’s most popular reports PopHerald. Let’s explore these 3 rumored smartphones of 2012. Top Rumored Phones of 2012: iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Amazon Kindle Phone There’s a rumor about Amazon designing its own Android smartphone so … Read more

T-Mobile iPhone 6 For Pink Carrier & Nothing Less

Everyone is waiting for 7th August to come around hoping that it will bring the announcement of the iPhone 5. However this could be just on the carriers AT&T, Sprint and Verizon. T-Mobile iPhone 6 not 5? T-Mobile are the 4th largest carrier in the US and they might stick with the Deutche Telekom AG … Read more Protection Status