Samsung Galaxy S3 is Over, I Want Galaxy Note 2

Samsung’s Galaxy S3 was most certainly the most hyped up and hotly anticipated smartphone of 2012, and yet when it was finally released, it had mixed reviews. Samsung Galaxy S3 a solid stepping stone to a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 While there was the 4.8-inch Super AMOLED display and quad-core processor, there was also the … Read more

Stylus For iPhone 5? What Would Steve Jobs Say [PICS]

According to the folks over at TechDigest, Apple has recently filed several patents for stylus accessories that will supposedly be sold to owners of their iPhone and iPad. iPhone 5 may support Apple stylus, hints recent patent The first patent filed by Apple was in relation to an optical stylus that has a camera in … Read more

iPhone 5: 2 Features It Needs To Remain No.1 In 2012

Apple will almost certainly reveal their latest incarnation of the iPhone later this year. It has been speculated that this will be in October and there is sure to be upgrades, however whether these will be major upgrades is anyone’s guess. PocketNow recently asked what users really want to see on the iPhone 5. While … Read more Protection Status