HTC One X vs iPhone 4S: Where HTC One X Wins

The HTC One X is arguably the most powerful ‘announced’ smartphone on the market and looks set to debut here in the US well ahead of both the Samsung Galaxy S3 and iPhone 5. So while it may be a next-generation device, it will go head to head with last year’s greats. Today, we take … Read more

What Would Be Better Than A Samsung Galaxy S3?

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is without a doubt the most hyped Android smartphone of 2012. While we’ve seen other high-end smartphone rumors surface, the Samsung Galaxy S3 still seems to take the spotlight. So is there anything that could steal the thunder behind the Samsung Galaxy S3? Read on. Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung and its … Read more

Samsung Galaxy S3 Not As Godly As We Think After All?

Given the success of the Samsung Galaxy S2, the hype behind its successor, the Galaxy S3 has reached mammoth proportions. Starting from way back last fall, rumors behind the Samsung Galaxy S3 have made the smartphone sound unbeatable, even though we know nothing about it. Samsung Galaxy S3 vs HTC One X However with the … Read more Protection Status