GTA 5 8 Million RP Glitch Doesn’t Skip A Beat Despite 1.09

With most games, the higher your level, the greater your strength. This means that while things get more complex, you’re increasingly up the the various challenges.

GTA 5 multiplayer mode is no different. This huge online game has got thousands and thousands of players shunning daylight in order to head to Los Santos. You’re actually playing with and against real people rather than against the AI machine.

GTA Online, therefore, can sometimes be unpredictable, as other players will sometimes just come and get you at random. This constant threat makes levelling up quite urgent.

With the whole community working its way up the points scale, one player found a glitch that gave him 8 million RP! He ranked up massively by making up his own mission in the Content Creator. Usually, a single like for a fanmade mission gathers 2RP, but this guy got 8 million.

This reward is probably a glitch, and we have no idea what caused it, but it’s been a popular one.

The Game has been out since last September and there’s been reports of lots of bugs, issues and hacking. Once a support ticket is raised, Rockstar does get onto the case.

This one lucky player can stop the endless schlep for R now, and coast along the unlocks!

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