GTA 5 Online: Solo Unlimited RP Glitch Still Works After 1.09

It was a week ago when players got their hands on GTA 5’s 1.09 patch update. With every update, there are bound to be fixes to the glitches and bugs that have been plaguing the game. Despite that fact, the 1.09 update failed to address some major glitches.

The GTA community are probably smiling at the moment. One player revealed that the much practiced unlimited RP glitch is still being exploited by many and works well. However, the RP rewards have reduced tremendously so practicing it can be time consuming. In other words, it works but incredibly slow.

For those who are stranger or new to GTA Online, you can follow the following instructions to achieve that dream level in the game.

1. Enter an invite only session.
2. Head down to LSC by Sandy Shores.
3. Opposite the road lies a store. Head to the sidewalk and assault at random. A one star wanted level should appear in no time.
4. Drive on the road and 3 seconds should add another star to your felony.
5. Now enter LSC and earn 200RP.
6. Exit the building and repeat the steps for more RP points.

This is the easiest way to earn RP quickly. On the other hand, a lot of game time is involved. While there are many other glitches to exploit, it is still unknown if they still work following the 1.09 patch update.

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