GTA 5: Will Rockstar Keep Going After Players Who Purchased With Hack Money?

I’m not sure about all of you but I am among the lucky majority that is gifted a mountain load of cash in GTA Online. Just a couple of weeks ago, Rockstar actually came out of hiding and forcefully apprehended the hackers.

Now, the whole GTA community are afraid as there is a chance that Rockstar will be looking to punish them again given that new hacks are surfacing. This is due to the widespread of hacked money in the game. If you ask me, I’m actually alright with Rockstar taking away my money.

Before the hackers came in, times were hard. I was grinding day and night and still couldn’t afford a car. Not long later, a bounty rewarded me with a billion GTA Dollars. Since then, I have been really busy purchasing garages and cars.

Today, Rockstar would want to confiscate this hacked money and I wouldn’t mind them doing so. I’ve already got everything I wanted. However, I fear that they might take away my purchases. I’m sure each one of you feels the same way.

At the moment, there is no telling on how Rockstar is going to restore GTA Online but we are all hoping for our belongings to stay intact. It is not our fault that we’ve received the illegal money despite their best efforts recently which wiped us all out. All we did was killing a bounty and claim our reward. The fault should be with Rockstar for failing to secure GTA Online.

I’m sure that the game developer is aware of this and will certainly be lenient when they take out the cash. Taking out our belongings in GTA Online will certainly be a bad move.

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