Astroneer: No Man’s Sky Without The Lie And Hefty Price Tag

No Man’s Sky just got out of control. The developers hyped up the game so much that fans got too excited for the game. It also did not help when some of the material shown before the release were not in the game. Let’s also not forget how expensive the game is as well.

So will the same thing happen when the upcoming game, Astroneer arrives? Like No Man’s Sky, Astroneer is also a space exploration game where players can build base, mine ingredients as well as survive against multiple enemies.

However, unlike No Man’s Sky, the game developer did not promise their fans that the game will come with huge space battles and seamless space to planet entry. The best part of it all is that the game will only be $19.99 so the fans will probably be less angry even if the game turns out to be average.

If you are interested in trying it out, the game, Astroneer will be out on Early Access this week. Windows 10 and Xbox One players will also be able to try it out on through the Game Preview program.

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