GTA 5 Money Lobbies Scrutinized By Gamers After Confiscation

GTA 5’s multiplayer mode has experienced multiple revolutions ever since it got released months ago. The latest is with the war against hackers. Game developer Rockstar went all out to ban these cheaters which have caused GTA Online’s economy to crash.

As of today, the number of hackers in the game has dropped drastically and Rockstar has successfully extracted the millions and billions of hacked GTA dollars from players account. GTA Online has been restored to how it was before the invasion of hackers.

Some players are not happy with this. While majority of the GTA community prefer to have an honest gameplay, the minority would love to see their cash returned. It is all down to the player’s preferences.

Redditor BirdmanJR1 was quick to reveal his desire for money in GTA Online. On a thread at the popular website, the thread master claims that he had been looking everywhere for a money lobby where he can enjoy the hacks and mods in the game.

The results bear no fruits. Following the patch update and the close control by Rockstar, it is nearly impossible for hackers to do their thing in the game. All the videos and sites that claims to have done so appears to be fakes.

The only way for players to do so is with a modded Xbox 360 or PS3. If it is the Microsoft Console, there is a high risk of getting caught and banned. On the other hand, the PS3 console is much easier to pull it off as Sony couldn’t be bothered. Of course, it is still impossible at the moment with Rockstar closely monitoring GTA Online.

There is no longer a way to set bounties more than $20,000 and the masses will not be able to receive huge money transfers. It will often get detected by Rockstar and players involved will be thrown in the cheater’s lobby.

If you’re a GTA 5 player and somehow overheard a way to get inside a money lobby, please do ignore. They are all fakes and mostly scams. It cannot be done as of this moment.

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