Source 2 Engine Will Mold Half Life 3 Gameplay

Valve have been keeping Half Life 3 close to their chests but at least they know that the developer is at work on the sequel to Half Life 2, which came out more than a decade ago. The wait may have been down to the fact that Valve has been working on the Source engine 2. It they have then Half Life 3 could be the flagship game for the engine, but how would it affect gameplay?

Gamers can turn back to look at Half Life 1 and 2, which arrived on the Source engine and with it came graphics that were stunning in a huge diverse world.

This leads us to believe that Half Life 3 on the Source 2 engine would offer much better gameplay. When Half Life 3 arrives it should bring with it a much bigger world to explore along with graphics that look superb as it will have technology that is up to date.

It has been said that Half Life 3 would be able to show off the new Source engine in the best possible light. Perhaps this could be by way of a chopper gunner mission that offered gamers graphics that were highly detailed.

Gamers interaction in Half Life 3 could be a lot more complex thanks to the physics having being improved greatly, this would mean that gameplay could be a lot more realistic.

Gamers are expecting Source engine 2 and Half Life 3 to leave them with open mouths and they cannot wait for Valve to make an announcement.

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