Top 10 NFC Uses For Android (Why You’re Operating It Wrong)

If there is a reason for consumers to pick the Android platform, it is NFC. The wireless flash technology basically allows transaction to be made quickly and efficiently. There are many ways to use NFC and today, we are going to list the top 10 functions.

1. Paying a bus fare in London
2. Paying train fare in Chicago
3. Unlocking a smartphone with NFC-powered accessory
4. Utilizing Google Wallet to eat at McDonalds
5. Buying a soda at a vending machine
6. More effective alarm
7. Phone settings programming
8. MasterCard transactions
9. Transfer contacts
10. Sharing Wi-Fi passwords

All of the above functions are done with NFC. If you have yet to utilize the NFC feature, then clearly, you are missing out on a lot of things as well as convenience.

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