Should I Buy Bitcoin?

Yes, the global currency is heavily inflated and is on a constant stream down the drain. This seriously provokes the financial security of the masses. Then again, more and more folks are beginning to look at bitcoin.

Unless you’ve heard, bitcoin carries a prospect of replacing the world’s currencies. While it is still too early to judge, more and more banks are showing an interest in bitcoin. With that in mind, should the world start getting bitcoin?

The answer is yes. Bitcoin carries the potential for becoming a powerful global transaction network. Senior director at Second Market, David K initsky, revealed that every bank in the world are excited about integrating the technology into their operations.

Then there is the bitcoin’s ability to store value at a fixed rate instead of depreciating like common currencies. This will surely compliment businesses that are facing hardships due to the ban of the US Dollar and the Euro.

While it all sounds great, there is a risk to bitcoin. Being a digital currency, there is a danger for the bitcoin to get duplicated by hackers. It is a constant threat to the entire trading system and until a solution is on the table, bitcoin will never be safe.

All in all, the positive factors surely overwhelm the negative. With some bright minds pouring an extra effort to keep bitcoin secured, it will definitely be the way of the future.

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