Samsung Galaxy S6 Tips: How To Transfer Your iPhone Data

The arrival of the Samsung Galaxy S6 has got the masses mesmerized by the device’s offerings and this includes the Apple iPhone users too. Heck, many iPhone users are jumping to the Galaxy S6 but they face a problem when doing so.

The issue is that iPhone users have no clue on how to transfer their personal files and data over to their new S6. Thankfully for them, Samsung heard their cries and launch Smart Switch.

This particular application makes transferring data a breeze and it is also very powerful too since it can handle cloud storage. The procedure is fairly simple too.

In one method, users can back all their files to iCloud. Run Smart Switch on the S6 and it will be able to download everything from the Cloud server. Users will be prompted on their Cloud details and once keyed in, they can push start the transfer.

The other methods I done through a cable. S6 users can run Smart Switch and connect the device with the iPhone with a special OTG cable. Then, users will receive a security prompt on the S6 and they can choose Trust before selecting Next. A list of contents from the iPhone will populate the screen and users can select on the files they wish to transfer.

In short, the S6 has made it so much simpler to switch device. No longer will users have to be afraid of the hassle that comes with changing phones and this is owed to Samsung’s Smart Switch. Protection Status