Samsung quickly recalled their first batch of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 after reports of it exploding started surfacing. Samsung later claims that the problem has been fixed and the Samsun Galaxy Note 7 launched.
However, soon after the Note 7 was relaunched, new reports about the Note 7 catching fire and exploding started once more. It was clear that Samsung did not know what was wrong with the device at that time and they were forced to shut the Note 7 down for good.
Now, weeks after the whole incident, it looks like Samsung might finally have an answer for the exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7. In a report from The Investor, it suggests that Samsung might have already found the reason why the Note 7 was exploding but Samsung is not ready to announce their findings yet.
Samsung did promise to give their fans an answer before 2016 ends. If they plan to keep their world, we should be hearing about it really soon.