Nintendo Switch: The Darker Side

We still have a lot of question about the upcoming Nintendo Switch console but in general, the people seems to be pretty happy with the console but that everything is bright and sunny as some of us believe.

There are a few reasons why we should be worried about the Nintendo Switch. The lack of new games is one if them. We know that Nintendo has already announced a few AAA games that will be coming to the console but they are so little compared to all the other old Nintendo games that will be coming back on the Switch. We are not saying that we won’t enjoy playing some of these older games but we are hoping the Nintendo Switch would offer a little more.

Then there is also the price. For a device that has so little AAA games and third party games to promise, the $299 does not feel right. We do get that it is because this is a hybrid console and all but at the end of the day, the games are what matters and we don’t see why anybody would give up a proper console with a long list of AAA games like PS4 and Xbox One for a Nintendo Switch.

Do you think this will end up being another Wii U?

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