Nintendo Jumps On The VR Wagon

We still do not know how VR is going to affect how we play games in the future but it looks like nobody wants to be left behind. We know that Sony has their Playstation VR and Microsoft have their Hololens so what about Nintendo?

Well, they too seem to be interested in VR. There are now new reports saying g that Nintendo did mention that they are looking into VR during an investor briefing but then the topic was quickly ended.

With Nintendo looking to release the new Nintendo NX console, some fans are saying that the new console will be coming in with some sort of VR offering to compete with the Playstation VR and Hololens. It is believe that the new console might be a hybrid between a console and handheld.

We still do not know what Nintendo has in store for us so we will have to wait and see where everything goes from here.

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