MacBook Pro 2015? Don’t Upgrade Yet, Here’s How To Speed Up Your Current Model

While you might be tempted to make the update to the MacBook Pro 2015 you might want to hang off as there are some things that you can do to speed up the model you currently have and you could save money.

The first thing you might want to do before rushing out to upgrade to the MacBook Pro 2015 is disable start up items that you don’t use. To do this you can go into System prefs – users – login items and just delete them.

You might also want to take a look at the “launchagents” and “launchdaemons” folders which are found in the user libraries and root libraries. These can often be the cause of uneeded programs running when you boot up and it could save you having to spend money on the MacBook Pro 2015.

You should also check the activity monitor as this will filter the processes by the amount of RAM used and CPU, which could help you speed things up and avoid having to pay out for a new MacBook Pro 2015. Other things you can do include moving your iTunes library to an external device, delete any programs and things that you don’t use and store videos and photos externally.

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