HTC One M7 Android 5.0.2 Lollipop Update: An Alternative Route

The HTC One M7 is one of the most popular smartphones from 2013 and even today, there are many One M7 users around. However, it can be very frustrating to be a One M7 user right now with HTC still pending to launch the highly anticipated Android 5.0 Lollipop update to the device.

Well, there is another way for One M7 users to get their hands on the latest OS from Google and it is through XDA. The epitome of independent developers had just witnessed the launching of the Liquid Smooth ROM, which is designed specifically for the One M7.

The LS ROM basically contains the Android 5.0 Lollipop OS and if you are a One M7 user, you can apply it manually on your device. It is a very simple task that comes with a thoroughly detailed guide on how to install the LS ROM.

All you have to do is simply head over to XDA and download the LS ROM together with the Google Apps Package. Once done, there is a readme with all the instructions and you simply have to follow them. Just make sure you have done a backup of your device and prepare to scream Voila!

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