WWE 2K16 Should Be More RPG Than Sports

2K has been releasing a new WWE game on an annual basis and later this year, the world will be witnessing the coming of WWE 2K16. Well, WWE fans are happy for it but they wish to escape from the typical, repetitive fighting and are calling for a more RPG feel for the game.

By this, the players meant that 2K should start thinking about introducing two new modes. A Manager Mode and a Superstar Mode. When on the former, players will have to manage the WWE on a weekly basis. In Superstar Mode, players will rise to power and have the ability to switch between heel and face profiles when on the ring.

This will surely make WWE 2K16 more fun to play than before. Some fans even called 2K to learn from Dragon Age Inquisition on how to add in a natural decision-making feature in NBA 2K16.

Of course, these are just ideas for NBA 2K16 made by the fans. While it may sound exciting, we feel that is a bit too late to implement in the future sequel since it is already in production.

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