GTA 5: Snipers Find Rocket Launcher Scope Works In Their Favor

In GTA 5, there are many ways to take out your enemy. Players can explore unlimited methods to perform an execution. On some occasions, players simply want to get creative with their kill.

GTA 5 makes killing a work of art. It is all down to the player’s preference whether they prefer hand combat, gung-ho shoot out or tactical kills. If you’re a sniping kind of guy but prefers to be out of range, there is one effective method that you might want to try when engaging an enemy.

On every sniping expedition, try to position yourself on a high position with no barriers around. Best example is the construction site in downtown Los Santos. Get to the top of the building. For a better view of your target, you normally get to the edge. This building doesn’t have any wall or railings on the edge and you might fall to your death.

You can avoid falling by scoping in your sniper when approaching the edge. It will automatically stop your movement. Now get as close to the edge as possible and start aiming at your target. Once the crosshair on your scope is fixed on your prey, switch to a rocket launcher.

Now aim down your sight and it will automatically pick up the point where your crosshair left off. Without further a due, pull the trigger. Your target will be in a body bag before you know it.

This might not sound like a sniping kind of thing but it is sure fun to blow up your enemy every now and then. Besides, it is a skill worth learning as you’ll never know when you might need it most.

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