Evasion Reportedly Hands Deep In iOS 7.1 Untethered Jailbreak Development

The Evad3rs have not taken the bait from Apple as they have said that they don’t have any interest in making a jailbreak for iOS 7.1. It seems that this has been left in the hands of Winocm.

The hacker answered the statement that Apple made by putting a video on YouTube showing that he had hacked iOS 7.1 on the 4th gen iPhone; however this means that the jailbreak only works on devices that are running on the A4 processor.

The latest phones of Apple have updated processors and the untethered jailbreak cannot be used for these. People were hoping that Evad3rs would offer the jailbreak and that perhaps they were working on it in secret.

It could be that the jailbreaking team are taking a break and perhaps we will not see a jailbreak from them before Apple launches iOS 8. For the time being the jailbreakers have recommended using Cydia apps with iOS 7 to bring it more in line with what is offered with iOS 7.1.

iH8snow said that he was looking into a jailbreak for the iPhone 4S, you do have to wonder how long it might be before Apple manage to keep the jailbreakers totally at bay and make it impossible for the iPhone to be jailbroken.

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