Elder Scrolls 6 Release Date Tipped To Be Next Year?

Who wouldn’t love the Elder Scrolls series from Bethesda? It might share the same price tag with most AAA games out there but it offers the best RPG experience that requires weeks of gaming hours to complete.

The latest Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, has showed the world just how great the franchise is. The vast open world is simply a pleasure for all the RPG lovers. Today, the bigger question lies with the Elder Scrolls VI. It has been 3 years since Skyrim got released and it is about time for Bethesda to produce the next sequel.

At the moment, there has yet to be any official words from Bethesda on the subject but we can already get a rough idea on when Elder Scrolls VI will be released. In figures, it took the game developer an average of four to five years between each Elder Scrolls title. With that in mind, Elder Scrolls VI might just come next year, or 2016.

On the other hand, there is a leak going about which reveals that Bethesda is working hard on developing Elder Scrolls VI. If this is true, then we can expect the game sooner. Then again, the leak is from an unproven source so it is best to take it with a pinch of salt.

Confirmed or not, fans predicts the Elder Scrolls VI to take place in the Argonia region. After all, only three province remains to be played and Argonia is known to be the follow up to Skyrim.

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