E3: Far Cry 4 is ‘sharable’

You won’t have to own a copy of Far Cry 4 to play, Ubisoft revealed at Sony’s 2014 E3 Press event.

The groundbreaking new feature allows players who own the game to invite their friends to join them event if they haven’t bought it, instead letting them stream the game while their friend is playing.

This might sound like poor business sense, but it’s a bold concept – using PSN’s unique social functions to drive viral sales. Considering that later in the evening Sony highlighted that 95 percent of all PS4 users are connected to the internet, there’s a huge audience that can potentially be hooked on the game by the tried and true method of peer pressure.

Adam Boyes introduced the concept early in the event, but as Sony elaborated on its plans for PSN Now – a streaming system that will soon come to both the PS4 and PS3 – it gained serious weight as a potential new reason for developers to get on board the platform.

That’s of course assuming that the feature actually helps sell more copies.

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