Resident Evil Designer Leaves His Mark In Last Place You’d Expect

When Resident Evil 6 arrived on the scene fans criticized the game as it moved away from the traditional style of gameplay. It was more an adventure/action game that one of horror and this isn’t what fans expected or wanted. They have now been left hoping that when Resident Evil 7 emerges the game will have gone back to its roots.

While waiting for the latest instalment one user of Redditor, Fataslarry7 went back to playing Resident Evil 3. The user found something that they had missed when playing the game the first time around. It seems that Hiroki Ohnishi, the artist in the game, left behind some graffiti in the game. This is in the Lonsdale building and he placed his signature and quoted Hiroki Ohnishi Corporation.

The artist perhaps thought that he could get away without anyone spotting it, but this was not to be. Ohnishi was the background artist for the game and worked on the development team of Devils May Cry.

Now Redditors have been applauding the finding of Fataslarry3 and perhaps going back into older games to see if they can find something along the same lines. Of course what happens with Resident Evil is anyone’s guess and we will have to wait to see.

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