GTA 5 Online Unlimited RP Glitch Still Works But With Lower RP

Every time an exploitation in GTA 5 got popular, an update will be rolled out to patch it. When it comes to glitches, Rockstar is definitely quick to see it fixed.

Just recently, players were given an insight on how to get unlimited RP fast and quick. The technique requires the player to hover a helicopter right at the destination marker without ending the mission. Players who have been planning but yet to exploit this glitch might just find it tougher to do so now. Rockstar has once again sent out Bob the Builder and see this exploitation dead and gone.

However, there is still some good news for the players. Apparently, Bob didn’t do a good job this time round and the glitch is still there for players to exploit, but it won’t be a walk in the park. A video on YouTube confirms that the glitch is still present.

Unlike previous technique, players have to fly the helicopter at a certain point above the ground. Now, players have to fly it at about 5 inches off the ground without registering with the marker. Things just got worse as the RP points are drastically reduced. It is still faster than normal technique and unlimited though.

Players have to be really good with flying as it takes a whole lot of effort to get unlimited RPs. If you desperately require RP, then better act fast before Bob returns. Follow the video below for the guide.

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