Mass Effect 4: Race Choices, Dates & Story Ideas

The Mass Effect franchise looks set to welcome its fourth sequel and the fans have been on overdrive in anticipating this upcoming game. Mass Effect 4 is currently in development and will certainly take the world by storm when it debuts on the next-gen consoles.

Bioware has already revealed that Commander Shepard and his cronies has retired and won’t be part of the Mass Effect franchise any longer. Upon learning that, fans have been busy plotting out Mass Effect’s 4 storyline and features.

For a start, fans are calling Bioware to add in more races in Mass Effect 4. Some great suggestions include the Yahg and Javik. The Yahg in particular came from a system without a Mass Effect relay. While they might be slow at first, the Yahg will eventually evolve into one of the most powerful alien creatures.

Since Mass Effect 4 will have nothing to do with Shepard, the fans are wondering if it would be set before, during or after Shepard’s era. After all, it will still be in the same universe.

If set earlier, Mass Effect 4 might be about the Blitz, Rachni War or even the First Contact War. While it might be easier for Bioware to create a prequel, majority of the fans will hate it as they already know the outcome. Interactivity will suffer and there won’t be a surprise factor.

Mass Effect 4 will most likely be far into the future where the universe had just recovered from the Great War. Regardless of what sort of adventure it will be about, Bioware will certainly deliver a great game ahead. Protection Status