It is no secret that Bioware is developing Mass Effect 4 at the moment. This highly anticipated fourth sequel to the ever successful Mass Effect franchise will certainly take the world by storm when it gets released.
Despite that fact, many fans pointed out this is only achievable if John Dombrow is part of the development team for Mass Effect 4. The lad was the creator of Garrus, Wrex and Javik back in Mass Effect 2 and 3. Both characters strongly appeals to the fan and it is only right for John to return in the line-up for Mass Effect 4.
As we all know, Mass Effect 4 won’t be about Commander Shepard anymore. Bioware revealed that a whole new protagonist on a fresh new adventure will be in place. With that in mind, new characters will be introduced and John is the perfect man for the job.
All in all, Mass Effect 4 will be the biggest title to arrive on the next-gen console. Fans are certainly hoping that John won’t be transferred to another project or department.