Samsung Galaxy S6 To Outdo iPhone 6 With Sennheiser Headphones

There is a reason why mobile phones today are called smartphones and this is because they have more to offer than just making calls and sending messages. Consumers worldwide couldn’t agree more when a study shows that a device’s audio capabilities play a role in influencing their purchase. Even so, it has been hard for … Read more

Uber Service Banned In Spain, Where Next?

Uber is a well-known global company that provides livery service to individuals that are looking for a cheaper alternative method of commuting. However, it instantly became a global controversy as many transportation governments proposed a ban on Uber due to it causing many difficulties to the local taxi drivers. To understand this matter further, Uber … Read more

Mizu App Kicked Out Of Play Store, Again

Mizuu has long been recognized as the ultimate media hub for smartphones and tablets. The application basically assists users in linking videos from a PC, online link or any other various platforms into a single platform for ease of access. Then again, there is a big mystery going on involving the relationship between Mizuu and … Read more Protection Status