Half Life 3: Well, Accidents Happen

Fans of Half Life 3 have been talking about the announcement of the game, which they have been waiting for, for a long time. This came about thanks to a misunderstanding of clues that Bossa Studios put into Surgeon Simulator 2013. The first clue was found on a sticker which was on a Team Fortress … Read more

Pokemon X & Y For PC: How To Get Hold Of It

Since they released Pokemon X and Y Nintendo haven’t talked about anything else. The game was released for the Nintendo 3DS but it seems that people are now creating emulators to make the game playable on the PC. We have heard that there may be a stable version released onto the PC before the end … Read more

Minecraft Xbox 360 TU14 Update: Where Art Thou?

Following the TU13 update for Minecraft Xbox 360 there is now another update coming said Society&Religion. It wasn’t too long after the TU13 update that 4J Studios said that they were now working on the TU14 update. S&R said that the update would bring with it villagers. Gamers would be able to trade emeralds with … Read more

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