Mercedes Response To Apple Car: ZZZ…

Daimler and Mercedes head, Dieter Zetsche, found himself in an interview at Australia last night when he was questioned about the rumours and speculations on the Apple Car.

Dieter responded cheekily by claiming that he is not having any nightmare about it and is able to sleep well at night. Dieter made it fair by suggesting that if Mercedes or Daimler is to penetrate the smartphone industry, Apple will do the same.

The news on the Apple Car has truly divided the world between car lovers and tech lovers. Since the Apple Car is going to be self-driven and fully automated, car junkies are bashing it for destroying the traditional way of driving and putting the noose on driving skills of drivers.

On the other hand, there are the Apple geeks that support the tech progress for self-driven car. If Apple does create its own car, there is no doubt it will sell well and also set new standards in the industry.

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