iPhone 6: Size May Be A Big Selling Factor

One of the most anticipated features of the upcoming Apple iPhone 6 this year is said to be a large display. It is rumoured that even though Apple remain silent on the matter, it will happen.

Up to now Apple have stuck to their guns about a standard sized display, this was seen on the Apple iPhone 5S when it was launched with a 4 inch display. Millions of Apple fans around the globe were satisfied with it, and it has been said that the iPhone 5S took over from the Samsung Galaxy S4 as the best-selling phone during December of last year.

The Apple iPhone 5S threw the theory out of the window that owners of phones are going for the larger display and looking past the Apple iPhone.

The Samsung Galaxy S4 and the 5 inch display went down well as has the Sasmung Galaxy Note 3 with the 5.7 inch display. So the trend does seem to go towards large displays. On saying this the Apple iPhone 5S sold very well, so could it mean that phones that have large displays cannot match up to the charisma surrounding the Apple iPhone?

GottaBeMobile said that this may be true but with Apple having turned to selling iPhones in China, they could be about to make changes, with the first being making the display of the iPhone larger. GBM said “As Apple goes global and consumers across the world experience the benefits of larger screens there is more pressure for an iPhone 6 with a bigger screen.”

China has hundreds of millions network subscribers and these are all potential targets for Apple and other mobile phone makers and could bring in billions in revenue. Apple however may find it hard to offer larger displays to their iPhones in the near future. In China phablets or large phones do dictate a large chunk of mobiles and Apple will need to take the plunge and follow suit.

Tim Cook has been evasive on the subject of larger displays but he hasn’t dismissed the idea of making changes to the iPhone. He did drop hints that Apple had been working hard and millions of iPhone fans would have smiles on their faces. He told Bloomberg “We have great things we are working on but we want to keep them secret. That way you will be so much happier when you see it”

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