PS4 Or Xbox One? Here’s Why Xbox One May Age Best

Both Microsoft and Sony have been on a tussle with each other on the gaming platform. With the PS4 and Xbox One released, there have been a lot of debates and arguments on which is the better console. Today we won’t look at the specifications on both machines. Instead, let us see the build of … Read more

League Of Legends 3.14 Changelog Reveals Preseason Mods

Most patches for League Of Legends (LOL) don’t seem to be as important as the latest 3.14 patch. The latest patch to get rolled out will bring along a lot of changes, additions and improvements that is required in the upcoming Season 4. The patch is suggested to get players ready on what to expect … Read more

Forza 5 Review: Wow. Much Nice. Less Gravel

One of the best car-racing/simulation games is back and it has arrived on the new Microsoft Xbox One. Forza 5 is released on the next-gen console and it brings along plenty of new cool features. Apart from the superb graphics and the addition of new cars, Forza 5 introduced a new style of gameplay that … Read more

GB: Fallout 4 Teaser Site Is Fake, Now Covering Up

Bethesda Fallout 4 game is known to be in development and waves after waves of rumours have been surfacing on the internet regarding the next Fallout sequel. While most of the speculations made are disregarded by the fans, one particular website is heavily relied on for news on Fallout 4. strongly hints on what … Read more

Black Friday Faux Pas: 3 Deals To Avoid

Black Friday is like the Christmas to every consumer. Prices on every product you can think of will go on promotions. When we talk about great deals, there is no better bargain than those offered on Black Friday. The best way to be prepared for this epic day is to start saving early on. As … Read more Protection Status