Half Life 3 With Occulus Rift Compatibility In The Works?

10 years. That is the waiting duration currently experienced by each and every Half Life fans and with every passing second, that length of wait looks to increase accordingly. Many gamers have been criticizing the Half Life folks for creating their own misery but that is about to pay off.

There are many question marks to why Valve delays Half Life 3’s development. It could be due to a new engine being created, lack of ides, Steam Console developments or even Valve themselves who trashed the idea. While it might belong to either one of these reasons, a GrapeVine revealed something else.

Right under the fans nose, Valve has been collaborating with a tech developer, Occulus and most gamers are not sure what that means. Occulus is nearing completion its masterpiece and that is a gaming wearables known as Rift. If gamers can recall future concept games from the past, there is one concept that put blindfolds the player with a screen that shows a game.

It appears that we are approaching that future fast as Occulus Rift looks set to take the world by storm. With Valve doing plenty of handshaking with Occulus, this futuristic gaming tool looks like an ideal platform for Half Life 3.

Something this new and big will have to be compatible across all gaming platforms. Valve might probably get it first and it proves to be the best opportunity for them to better their rivals. This can be done with an appropriate launch title like Half Life 3.

Many games are currently being integrated to the Oracle although there isn’t any AAA title. This is an open window for Vavlve to create Half Life 3 with a VR headset compatibility.

If Valve managed to pull it off, they will be rewarded with mountains of gold as gamers flock to get their VR headset. However, this is merely a rumour so take it with a pinch of salt.

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