Kingdom Hearts 3 ‘Summons’ Take Center Stage Over Worlds Debate

There has been much debate among the Kingdom Hearts fans on what worlds are they hoping for and would be best for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3. With both Marvel and Star Wars being acquired by Disney, there is so much excitement on the possibility of seeing your favourite character making an appearance in the upcoming game.

Amidst all these madness, a sector of the fans are thinking about characters that would make a great summons. The fans took their discussion to Reddit and it looks interesting on what summons can KH3 feature.

The thread master, Greg225, suggest 4 different characters ideal for summons. He listed Morph from Treasure Planet, Fix it Felix Jr. from Wreck it Ralph, Frozone from The Incredibles and Maximus from Tangled. Those who have watched the respective films should know what these names are capable of. However, some of these worlds have yet to make an entry in the KH series.

Another fan calls for Lilo & Stitch with experiment 626 being the ideal summon. There have been plenty of hints pointing to this one and it is about time both Square Enix and Disney give them the spotlight. Lilo & Stitch have been in contention for the KH series but has yet to make an appearance.

Disney is so big that there are so many great characters out there that deserve to be in Kingdom Hearts 3. No matter how this much-anticipated game will turn out to be, fans trust that both Square Enix and Disney will deliver a great game ahead.

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