Google Nexus 6 Still Has A Shot Against Galaxy S5 & HTC One M8

Both the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the HTC One M8 smartphones have been released that they are overpowered in every way. These latest devices to make an entry have created several new benchmarks for the industry to keep up with.

However, it is not wise to make purchase of either smartphone immediately. The least consumers could do is wait for the Google Nexus 6.

This upcoming smartphone from the father of Android is expected to be revolutionary. Word has it that the device will feature a curved screen display. Also, the Nexus 6 is expected to run on the Android 4.5 Lollypop.

As for the processor, most rumour revealed that the Nexus 6 will be the first Android phone to run on a 64-bit processor.

Both the HTC One M8 and Samsung Galaxy S5 has upgraded their cameras. Expect the Nexus 6 to do so as well with a super class 18-20MP rear camera, capable of HDR mode.

Finally is the battery. There is a chance that Google will plant a battery of massive capacity on the Nexus 6.

Imagine getting all of these, for a price that is half of the already released duo. The Nexus is known to keep things cheap and affordable. All consumers have to do is wait at least until June as Google will be announcing the device during its I/O conference.

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