Banning Has GTA 5 Online Players Use Legit Ways To Get Rich

GTA 5 has been on the spotlight over the past couple of weeks with Rockstar taking full control of the game. The game developer were really busy searching and destroying players who’ve hacked the game.

It is about a month ago when GTA 5 got plagued with hackers which killed the game’s economy through giving out millions and billions of hacked GTA dollars to majority of the players. The moment Rockstar retaliates, many hackers got caught and banned from public servers.

As of today, GTA 5′s multiplayer mode appears to be more peaceful like never before. Players has been looking for legitimate ways to make some money. To assist the players, we have compiled 7 of the best ways to earn.

1. Players can earn $6000 if they achieved first place in a race. Racing only takes about 2 to 3 minutes and even when you don’t win, you’ll still earn. Just avoid ending the race in the last, or second last place.
2. Participate in Deatmatches is a great way to make quick money. Removing the kill limit and losing the match will leave you earning $7000 in 10 minutes.
3. Parachute races can reward you with $4000 in cash. It might be slow but doing it is fun.
4. Doing missions with your friends can net you $100,000 every hour. However, you have to be careful no to destroy vehicles including your own. Also, purchase only the ammos that you need.
5. Robbing an armoured truck appears to be more fun than rewarding. The payout might not be great but the thrill factor is present.
6. If you have a high rank, coveted missions pays well and quick to perform.
7. Bounties. They have been the cause of this economic reform in GTA Online. Earn $9000 for every bounty you kill.

There you have it. 7 ways to earn legally and quickly. Once grinding becomes a habit, do keep an eye out for hackers who managed to get away and report him immediately.

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