GTA 5: Mt Chiliad Location Apparently Linked To Aliens & Jetpacks

GTA 5 is a huge game and as much many gamers are still playing it as there are mysteries that have to be solved. Some of the mystery surrounding Mt Chilliad has been put to rest and players who wandered around Los Santos may have come across the Illuminati poster which showed Mt Chilliad with three boxes at the bottom which were said to represent the jetpack, egg and UFO.

The majority of players will know where the UFO is located but some don’t know about the egg. Players have said that this is in a cave in a village that is remote and which is found on the mountain. A gamer has posted a video on YouTube showing this.

On Mount Chilliad players should check out the gap which hasn’t been charted, this has the shape of a UFO and gamers may wish to head there in an aircraft.

Gamers should search the village and when they do so they will be shot at by the villagers who think they are government. It pays to make things easier by killing them all.

Gamers should circle the village and there is a cave with markings on it which offer clues about the egg.

A poster put a video up on YouTube, which has us thinking that the jetpack can be found at Fort Zancudo. Players have also been talking about an elevator in a military base that goes underground. The video shows a gamer heading underground in a helicopter.

Underneath the elevator is a black square tile which has a hidden room and this is said to be where the jetpack is located. Gamers say that this relates to the beams which support the UFO and this is seem around 3am.

These are just theories of gamers of course but we have to admit that it does look as though the evidence is beginning to build up.

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