FIFA 14 Complaints Continue To Grow

FIFA 14 is the closest thing a football fan can get to their favourite football clubs and players. The sports game is often a best-seller in its genre. There is no denying that the world’s most popular sport simply translates FIFA 14 to be the most popular sports game.

In spite of that, not everything regarding FIFA 14 is perfect. There are always those small little bits and pieces which often kill the mood when playing FIFA 14. We have uncovered 5 of them and they are as follows:

1. The Referee
The 12th man in a football match is often the target for complains. It is no different for FIFA 14. At times, you simply can’t take it when someone rob you off the ball violently and the referee does nothing about it.

2. Keeper Charge
During a crucial one-on-one situation, getting the keeper to charge is vital in preventing any goals conceded. Sometimes, the keeper does it when you didn’t command him too. This can be a pain and often the number one cause for defeat.

3. Soundtracks
There is no denying that over the years, FIFA games has been on decline in terms of the songs. Bring back Avril Lavigne Complicated and Gorrilaz 19-2000.

4. Ball Boys
The pace of the game is often disrupted whenever the ball goes out of play. The ball boy will put up a sloppy work by tossing the ball back far into the field. The player on line Z will have to wait for someone to pass the ball back to them. Major time-waster.

5. Passing Direction
Another common problem with a FIFA game. You intend to pass the ball to that player next to you. However, it ends up with someone else. EA has to do something about this.

There you have it. 5 most annoying things with FIFA 14. Another 7 months from now and FIFA 15 should see if EA is actually listening to the fans.

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