Xbox One Won’t Be The Underdog For Long

Sony is really busy in rolling out the PS4 to meet the demands of many leaving many calling the Xbox One as a failure. Microsoft will release the Xbox One in a matter of days to come. Both devices have their fair share of criticism and issues prior to their release and we don’t think that it is wise to write off the Xbox One.

Indeed the PS4 got a head start on this race with its state-of-the-art hardwares. However, you need to keep in mind that it is never about which comes out first. Remember the PS3? During those days, the Xbox 360 got released earlier than the much more expensive PS3. Sony’s PS3 surpassed sales expectations and tops the Xbox 360 on every contest.

We are pretty sure there is a lot more coming from Microsoft on the Xbox One. I mean no giant company would want to see their product fall into the pool of failures. So expect this one to be a tight contest between the two. Protection Status