Watch Dogs Review: Wonky Driving, Alive Environments & More

We have heard a great deal about the graphics of Watch Dog, however nothing much has been said about the gameplay of the game. Of course we don’t want to spoil things for people, so while we are giving thoughts on it, it is going to be spoiler free.

Having been playing the game for around five hours and having done a few of the main missions along with some of the side missions and running and driving around, the game has been enjoyable up to now. The last game that had an open world map was GTA IV and I have to say that this game does feel better. I haven’t come into the gun with the aim of shooting everything down, instead I have employed stealth and hacking tactics so as to complete some of the objectives of the missions. I found camera access in a building and could hack the objective without having to fire one single shot.

The AI enemies are neither too smart nor too stupid. I ran away from cops on foot and then when I poked my head out to take a look a cop car that I had thought was too far away noticed something and started coming my way. They did find me but I was able to lose them, perhaps a little bit too easy.

The gaming environment is more alive than any open world game that I have played before and I like the hacking into things in the game and the snippets of info you get on people. Also this leads to some small missions. Whether this will feel repetitive after playing for some time, I don’t know. I like climbing over things and hacking garage doors, which then leads to new routes.

I’m not sure what people had expected from the game as I didn’t follow the hype but at the moment I like the game, despite having graphics downgraded. While it hasn’t blown me away, it is great fun to play.

Oh one thing that I did find strange is that driving is kind of weird. It will take some getting used to. The physics of the car often feels light. I have been playing on 1080p high setting and there is a borderless full screen option.

My system specs: GTX 770 2Gb, AMD FX 8-core @ 3.5GHz, 16GB RAM Protection Status