Top 5 Educational iPhone Apps

The Apple App Store is full of amazing apps. This includes entertainment, games, tools and even educational ones. Today, there is a variety of apps that young scientist can get on their iPad. We have discovered 5 of them and science lovers should find them really useful.

1. Focus on Earthquakes

This app talks about the latest earthquake happenings and analyse it through an ebook. There are images, maps and even animations. Learn the plate movements for only $3.99.

2. EarthViewer

Get deeper into the knowledge of atmosphere with EarthViewer. The app contains the plannet’s atmospheric history that stretches all the way to 4.5 billion years ago. For something free, it even comes with animation.

3. NASA App HD

Get updates on the discoveries made in space with NASA’s official app. It is free of charge and users will get the latest scoop on the endless universe.

4. SkySafari 3

At only $2.99, users get to enjoy a breathtaking view of the sky. Check out the images in this planetarium application.

5. The Elements: A Visual Exploration

$13.99 might be costly but considering the compelling and visually stunning guide to chemical substances, it is worth every penny. Protection Status