Tesla was initially prohibited from opening a second dealership by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicle but the decision was reversed by Commissioner Richard D-Holcomb allowing the automaker maker to have their second showroom in the Richmond area.
Their first showroom was opened in Tysons Corner near Washinton, D.C. According to Tesla, the new showroom will allow potential buyers in the Richmond area to learn more about their vehicle and purchase their Tesla models.
Tesla has been trying to battle with the state for the right to own a dealership and selling their models directly to the customers. States like Texas, Connecticut, Michigan, Missouri, Utah, and West Virgina all prohibits automakers from doing that but it looks like Tesla is on their way to make it possible for them.
We do not know if Tesla is looking to set up a few more across the country in the near future but it is clear that they are trying their best to make it easier for their customers to get hold of their models.