Star Wars: Imperial Commando Announced, Unexpected Response

With Star Wars being the most talk about thing right now, you would think that Star Wars fans will be excited to know that EA might be working on a new Star Wars game but instead of cheers and excited, what they got was a cold shoulder from the fans.

We can’t really blame the fans for not getting excite about the game either after what they had to offer in Star Wars Battlefront.

It was leaked that EA might be working on a new Star Wars game called the Star Wars: Imperial Commando. The leak was found in the Star Wars Leaked subreddit by user Alpha_Cukie.

There is even two suppose screenshot from the game. The first is a login page and the second is a countdown page. Based on the time, it looks like they are hinting that the game will be announced at E3 this year.

The squad base shooter game is said to be released in 2017. What do you think of this new rumor?

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