Star Wars Battlefront: Dead So Soon

It sounds like the perfect plan, release a Star Wars game just when a Star Wars movie is about to be release. Everything they did up until the release date was perfect as well including the beta version but is the game already dead now?

Some players have reported that they seem to have difficulties trying to actually play the multiplayer game not because there is something wrong with the server but because they can’t find any games.

With the game being so new, you would think that there would be at least a few games available to join but that does not seem to be the case. The gameplay itself is actually pretty amazing, but maybe people are just tired of so much Star Wars.

Origin is also offering the game at a cheaper price now and that might encourage more people to buy the game but does the game has what it takes to make the players want to play it all the time? We do not think so? What do you think?

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