SIMS 4 Smart Sim Technology Puts Life Inside The Game

In a couple of weeks from now, Maxis will be releasing The Sims 4 and it will look to be much bigger, and better, than its predecessors. The fourth sequel to the highly successful gaming franchise will be coming with some new features, and among them is the Smart Sim technology.

In a recent interview with Maxis, the game developer explained that the Smart Sim technology will add in more realism to the simulation game. When playing SIMS 4, players will notice a more elaborated character creation tool and more functions in socializing.

Thanks to the Smart Sim technology, players can now take part in group conversations that are life-liked. Previously, there are group conversations but players are restricted to a two-way conversation. Also, the facial expression is going to be more detailed and realistic than ever before.

The SIMS 4 will be looking to be the first in its franchise to debut on the PS4 and the Xbox One. One can only wonder on the sort of graphics that is coming with the game.

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