Samsung Galaxy S5 Tips & Tricks You Might Not Be Aware Of

The Samsung Galaxy S5 has been out for months now and users still have no clue on how to make full use of the smartphone. The device has so much to offer to the users that it will take a long time to explore and understand them all. Today, we shall reveal 10 tricks to get the best out of the S5.

1. One-handed mode
The S5’s 5.1” display might be too big to operate with one hand. However, this can be tweaked by going to the Display settings and shrinking the screen size accordingly.

2. Screen Sensitivity booster
At extreme weather condition, the S5’s touch screen may not be responsive. Users can increase its sensitivity on the Display settings.

3. Blocking Mode
Prevent getting disturbed by any alarms, phone calls or messages by turning on Blocking Mode in Personalization settings.

4. Disable My Magazine
Users can remove the My Magazine feature by holding on the home screen. Then, go to home screen settings and uncheck it.

5. Screen Indicator
Skip on the swiping and tap on the number indicator below to perform a quick page jump.

6. S Finder
This little tool literally searches for every file in the S5, be it hidden or not.

7. Different wallpapers for different screens
Now, home page wallpaper and lock screen wallpaper can be totally different from each other.

8. S Voice
With Google Now, there is no need for the S Voice. Remove it permanently by going to the S Voice’s settings and disable the wake up via home button option.

9. Ok Google
Whenever you see OK Google’s search bar, say its name to operate voice searches or make calls and messages.

10. Toolbox
Much like the Facebook’s chat head, Toolbox pulls out your customizable shortcuts.

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