Samsung Galaxy S5 & HTC One Phone Sleeves Are Quite Clever Actually

It is already April of 2014 and the month started off foolishly with the masses trying to pull all the pranks in their playbook. Even tech giants are celebrating April’s Fool day by tricking the masses into believing a new glove wearable which will be released soon.

Both HTC and Samsung shared the same joke by announcing a glove wearable which will be coming out soon. The former calls it Gluuv while the latter named it the Fingers.

The HTC Gluuv in particular requires the user to attach the HTC One M8 on the wrist that makes it capable of snapping an 87.2MP picture. This is totally unrealistic considering the 4MP capacity on the One M8’s rear camera.

Samsung on the other hand looked more serious by claiming that the camera will be 16MP and makes taking selfies much easier. Aside from that, the Samsung Fingers functions like a smartphone itself with Wi-Fi connectivity and a built-in storage. There is also a screen at the palm of the glove.

Consumers should not believe this at all as these innovations are merely an April’s Fool joke. On the other hand (no punt intended), it does look like a concept design or a prototype from the company. Who knows? It might just materialize in the future.

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