Samsung Galaxy S5 Gets A Butt-job!

The Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE is expected to be the first device that will run on the brand new Snapdragon 805 processor and it is on the right track to do so. However, it might just come with a different look.

Samsung is currently producing the Galaxy S5 LTE-A version and KT will look to make an exclusive out of it. The local carrier from South Korea wishes for a redesigned back panel. Instead of going simple or plain, the carrier opted for a diamond-studded rear casing. As for the internal hardwares, there won’t be any changes from the original LTE-A version to the KT-version of the device.

The processor isn’t the only great thing to come on the Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE-A. The display will also be mass upgraded so that consumers can start enjoying QHD screens on the S5 LTE-A.

On the down side of things, the Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE-A is only available in South Korea with the world watching in envy. However, consumers can expect to toy with the device sooner or later as Samsung will surely distribute it worldwide. Let’s just hope it is not the diamond-studded variants.

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