Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Users Taking Advantage Of Chaos

Things definitely did not start out well for Samsung and their Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and while Samsung is busy trying to fix the problem, some users thought that this might be a great opportunity to take advantage of Samsung.

According to ZDNet, some of the reports turned out to be fake. They stated that up to 26 reports where the users claim they have a defective device were not true. Some of the users used a fake pictures of exploded Samsung Galaxy Note 7 while other simply claim they threw it away when the phone caught fire but with no real proof to show that it had happened. While not all claim is true, the Note 7 is still at risk of catching fire and exploding.

Samsung has already started exchanging their Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in South Korea. Those still waiting for the exchange program to start in their country are advise to turn off the device until they get it exchanged.

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