Resident Evil 2 Remake Is Going To Happen

While the Resident Evil games are fairly disappointing nowadays, there was a time where the game was actually good and it looks like we might get to go back in time as new rumors suggest that Capcom might be thinking about coming out with a Resident Evil 2 Remake version.

This started after Loen S.Kenndy and Claire Redfield was spotted possibly making their way back into the franchise. There is no denying that the Resident Evil 2 was one of the best of the series with enough horror and excitement to keep player engage.

The remake version will most like be a huge hit, but some other are saying that it will not be just a remake and that the developers might play around with VR or maybe huge and impressive cutscenes like the ones we saw in the last Resident Evil game.

Whatever it is, our only wish is that there keep the tension and horror from the game.

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