ReCore Won’t Have You Day Dreaming In Between Loads

The new game from Comcept and Armature Studio have been receiving some mixed feedbacks from the fans. Some fans said that they actually like the story and style of the game but other seems to think that it did not meet all the initial hype.

Whichever side they are on, it was clear that everybody was getting really frustrated with the long loading time. Players said that the wait is becoming ridiculous. Luckily, the developers have been listening. In the latest update, one of the fix that they will be making is the loading time. Besides that, the update will also improve the audio and visuals of the game.

To attract more players, Microsoft is also offering the game for free. The free version will allow players to play the first 30minutes of the game so if you are still on the fence about the game, now is a good time to try it out.

The game retails for $39,99 and will be released on the Windows 10 and Xbox One.

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